
A passion nearly 100 years in the making

n 1928, Leo T. Garlich opened a small, two-man letterpress shop – and almost immediately had to figure out a way to survive the Great Depression. Garlich Printing Company found a niche printing the Yellow Cab Company’s taxicab slips, forms and other one-color items, and hung on to both the business – and Yellow Cab as a long-term client.

Leo’s son, Bob, took his father’s example of survival to heart during his tours as a fighter pilot in both World War II and the Korean conflict. After coming home from Korea, Bob joined Garlich Printing full-time in 1953 and grew the company well beyond its taxicab slip roots.

By the mid-1980s, the third generation of Garlich family members was at the helm, and under their leadership, the company’s growth and technological capabilities have exploded, vastly increasing the service offerings of Garlich Printing Company. Click here to learn more about our talented management team and their individual contributions to the company — and every Garlich client’s — success.

Employee Owned Company since 2016

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