G7 master printer

Garlich Printing Certified as G7 Master Qualified Printer

Our certification has been renewed once more, continuing our commitment to providing the very best graphic arts products and service. 

We are qualified as a G7 Master Facility Colorspace

This is the third level of G7 compliance and the most stringent. G7 Colorspace includes all the requirements of the G7 Targeted level (and therefore the G7 Grayscale level) and adds the matching to an entire Reference Print Condition. This level demonstrates that we are maintaining extremely tight tolerances throughout the whole color space. An entire IT8.7/4 target is compared against the targeted color space and the average of all the 1617 patches needs to be with a narrow range of tolerances. This assures that the printing system can consistently reproduce the entire color space and not just the primaries and secondaries (CMY and RGB). G7 Colorspace can also be relative to either the absolute white point or the substrate-relative aim values. G7 Colorspace level is also further divided into two separate purposes, Printing or Proofing.

Here are some basics on the G7 initiative:

Q: Why are print buyers making G7 a requirement?

A: Typically a print-buy is either distributed geographically or distributed across different print types. So, for example, a buyer may want to purchase marketing collateral, packaging and signage with the same brand imagery. Clearly the substrate, gamut and other print characteristics will vary for the different print products. But if all the print products have the same gray balance and neutral tonality defined by G7, they will look remarkably alike to the human eye. Because buyers believe the similarity of the visual appearance across print products is critical, they now make G7 a buying requirement.

Q: What is the difference between a G7 Master, G7 Expert and G7 Professional?

1. G7 Master Qualified Printer status is granted to a physical facility, equipment and systems. Example: Garlich Printing Company’s proofing and printing presses have been G7 Master Printer qualified. The G7 Master Printer qualification* is valid for one calendar year and must be renewed annually. 

2. A G7 Expert is an expert in the field of color management, process and quality control for proofing and printing equipment. A G7 Expert is able to analyze color and print related issues and take corrective action to bring systems and processes in control to a set method, standard or specification with repeatable, predictable results. A G7 Expert has attended and passed the IDEAlliance G7 Expert/Professional Training. Certification is valid for two years. Recertification is required every two years. The G7 Expert must take and pass the Recertification Training as well as to remain employed with an IDEAlliance Corporate Member company in order to maintain their G7 Expert status.

3. A G7 Professional is generally an in-house quality/technical professional. A G7 Professional has attended and passed an IDEAlliance G7 Expert/Professional Training. Certification is valid for two years. Recertification is required every two years. The G7 Professional must take and pass the Recertification Training as well as to remain employed with an IDEAlliance Corporate Member company in order to maintain their G7 Professional status.

More information is available at the IDEAlliance website.

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